E-cigarettes Can Help a Smoker Quit the Habit

Shifting to e-cigarettes from tobacco cigarettes can be seen as the first step towards quitting the smoking habit.

Millions of people throughout the world die every year due to the ingestion of tobacco either through cigarette-smoking or consumption of other tobacco substances. But, cigarettes are responsible for majority of those tobacco deaths. Even though such high numbers of deaths every year caused by smoking tobacco cigarettes can be prevented, it depends mainly on the will power of the individual smokers to quit smoking. However, they become so addicted to cigarettes that they knowingly fall into death traps. Cigarettes have simply taken control of them. There are many people who constantly feel the urge to go out and smoke even while they are busy working in their office. Most of them feel that smoking is a simple way to overcome stress at least for a short time. But, it is an extremely dangerous way.

When devices such as electronic cigarettes were invented and available for sale, many smokers who realized the dangers of smoking tobacco cigarettes began to use those electronic cigarettes as an alternative which are considered to be much safer mainly due to the fact that they are not made of tobacco. Many e-cigarette manufacturers promote their products saying that shifting to e-cigarettes can make a person eventually quit smoking. Such promotional methods can persuade a chain smoker who wants to quit smoking to give e-cigarettes a try.

E-cigarettes were invented and manufactured for the first time in China in the year 2003 by Ruyan. Ruyan is a Chinese pharmaceutical company. However, it took more than four years for them to spread to the USA and other countries. When the concept of selling e-cigarettes was first brought to USA, there was a lot of support and enthusiasm towards it from some health experts and environmentalists. It was also opposed by many people who wanted a ban on all kinds of smoking. Some environmentalists believed that certain constituents in e-cigs such as Propylene glycol were hazardous to the environment. There were some health specialists who believed that e-cigs were not completely harmless.

In spite of the fact that e-cigs could possibly cause some health problems and side effects, they were not as dangerous as the tobacco cigarettes. At the max, they may cause mild respiratory disorders and some allergy problems. But, they are not at all fatal. Supporters of e-cigs saw them mainly as a tool that can help a person give-up smoking. Tobacco cigarettes are extremely addictive and it is not very easy to stay away from them once a person has got into the habit of smoking them regularly. Expecting a person to wake up one day and take a resolution to quit smoking is unreasonable and impractical. Quitting smoking is a slow and gradual process that cannot happen in a day. It may take months and sometimes years depending on the willpower, self-control and the mental strength of an individual. But, these are not enough. A smoker needs an alternative to hold on to. An electronic cigarette is believed to be a good alternative to which a chain smoker can hold on while he is making efforts to quit. Even though it is not 100% safe, it is considered to be hundred times safer than a tobacco cigarette.

With electronic cigarettes, the concept of smoke is actually eliminated. Hence, smoking is a term that is not appropriate in the context of e-cigarettes. The smoke is replaced by vapor. Some people call it aerosol mist. The main reason why regular cigarettes are fatal and cause complicated respiratory disorders is because the smokers inhale smoke that is full of tobacco directly into their lungs. Lungs are pretty sensitive organs. Getting lung cancer is a very common consequence of inhaling tobacco smoke. The smoke exhaled by a smoker is also filled with tobacco and there is good possibility of another person inhaling that dangerous smoke accidentally. This is known as passive smoking. Passive smoking can be particularly dangerous for pregnant women and small children.

But the aerosol mist inhaled from an electronic cigarette contains 0% tobacco which eliminates the risk of lung cancer. Also, the mist from an electronic cigarette is not as thick as tobacco smoke and hence wouldn’t cause any complex respiratory disorders. At the most, inhalation of aerosol mist can cause mild breathing problems for a short period of time especially if the person inhaling it has bronchitis. One great thing about an e-cigarette’s aerosol mist is that it poses little or no risk of passive smoking.